Prof. Mugera was born in Inoi, Kirinyaga District in 1934. After his early education at the Alliance High School he entered Makerere University College in 1954 where he obtained a Diploma in Veterinary Science. He spent 1961 to 1965 at the Michigan State University for his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. He joined the University of Nairobi, Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology in 1965 and rose to be appointed Professor and also Dean of the Faculty in 1971. He did extensive work on the causes of cancer in animals; and on the toxic and medicinal plants in East Africa. He was the first scientist to demonstrate that some toxic plants contain chemicals capable of inducing cancer of the liver and kidney. Prof. Mugera contributed a lot to the knowledge about the causes of cancer and in pathology of diseases of domestic animals. He published over 60 papers in many international journals and one text book. Prof. Mugera passed on in the year 2019 and is post-humously honored.