Prof. Okelo is a Professor of Veterinary Anatomy who studied at Strathmore College of Arts & Science, Nairobi, St. Mary’s School Yala (“O” Level - December 1964); University of Nairobi for PhD (1979); University of Bern, Switzerland for (Dr. Med. Vet. 1974); University of Nairobi for MSc. (Veterinary Anatomy, 1973) and University of Nairobi for Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc/BVM, 1971). Prof. Okelo has been a lecturer at the University of Nairobi throughout his working life and has taught most of the veterinary doctors/surgeons in Kenya and has risen through the academic ranks. He was Chairman, Department of Veterinary Anatomy (1982-1988), Principal, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVS - 1988-1994), Chairman, Board of Kenya Veterinary Vaccine Production Institute (KEVEVAPI - 1990-2000), member of the Board of the National Museums of Kenya (1984-1989), member of the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Scholarships Award Committee (1988-1993), member of the KARI Research Fund Management Committee (1991- 2000), member of the Strathmore University Council (2004- 2006, 2009- 2011). He also holds membership of professional and social clubs which include: fellow Kenya National Academy of Sciences, member of the Kenya Veterinary Association, member of the East African Wildlife Society, member of the United Kenya Club and member of the Chiromo Campus Club. He has attended many international scientific conferences and travelled widely in Western Europe and North America (USA and Canada). He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals in reproductive biology.