On November 15, 2024, the Kenya National Academy of Sciences inducted 2 fellows and 14 members during its Scientific Revival Day of Africa (SRDA) Conference at Nairobi Safari Club. Election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors in science and recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement and accomplished academics reputed for significant breakthroughs.
- Prof. Mary-Abukutsa Onyango- Professor of Horticulture at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
- Prof. Collins Ouma- Professor of Biomedical Sciences and is currently the Director, Research and Innovations, Maseno University, Kenya
- Prof. Qs. Dr. Sylvester Munguti Masu- Professor of Construction and Property Studies (SCPS), Technical University of Kenya.
- Dr. Peter Munyao Ndangili- Senior Lecturer, Industrial and Applied Chemistry (DIAC), Technical University of Kenya.
- Dr. Lydia A. Olaka- Senior Lecturer, Geoscience and The Environment (DGSE), Technical University of Kenya.
- Prof. Joshua Ondura Ogendo- Associate Professor of Crop Protection (Stored Products Entomology) and Currently the Principal, Nakuru City Campus College, Egerton University.
- Prof. Lukoye Atwoli- Dean of the Medical College, East Africa and a Professor in Psychiatry. He is the Deputy Director of the Brain and Mind Institute at Aga Khan University (AKU).
- Prof. Silvenus Ochieng Konyole- Associate Professor of Food Science in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST).
- Prof. Anselimo Ouma Makokha- Professor of Human and Nutrition Sciences, JKUAT.
- Dr. Fredrick Eyase- Principal Research Scientist, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI).
- Dr. Suresh, L.M.- maize pathologist and the manager of the Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) Screening Facility at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Nairobi.
- Prof. Isutsa, Khasungu Dorcas- Professor of Horticulture and Plant Biotechnology, Egerton University
- Prof.Tom Joseph Mboya Kwanya- Professor of Information and Knowledge Management, Technical University of Kenya.
- Prof. Bosire Onyancha-Professor of Library and Information Science and Research Professor, University of South Africa (UNISA), South Africa.
- Prof. Kithaka wa Mberia- Professor of Linguistics and Languages, University of Nairobi.
- Prof. Jane Akinyi Ngala Oduor-Associate Professor of Linguistics and Languages, University of Nairobi.